Become a Mentor

Find a Program Mentoring Stories Inquiry Form


Are you looking for a way to get involved in your community? Do you like to have fun?

Become a mentor!

A mentor is a caring, consistent presence in a young person’s life. By sharing your time with a young person you can help them explore their own interests and passions. Mentors provide support by listening to their mentee, encouraging exploration, and offering the opportunity to have new experiences. In many cases, mentors and mentees will explore new activities and places together for the first time.

Each mentor is part of a supportive community in a young person’s life (alongside other adults such as parents, guardians, teachers, and counselors).

Do you have time during your lunch hour to travel to a local school? Do you want to meet up with a young person on weekends to do activities out in the community together? Whatever your schedule and interests are, there is likely a program near you that will fit what you are looking for. Use the tools below to find a program in your community or reach out to MENTOR Vermont using our inquiry form and we can help connect you with one.

Click on one of the images below to play a short video highlighting the benefits of mentoring and demonstrating youth and mentors in action!



We encourage you to read through the mentor pair stories linked below to learn more about mentoring. You can also contact MENTOR Vermont and fill out a general inquiry form if you have additional questions, and we can help connect you with a program that matches up with your schedule and interests.

Find a Program Mentoring Stories Inquiry Form