Jack & Eve

Although Jack and Eve were only able to meet a couple of times before shifting to virtual meet-ups due to the pandemic, they found creative ways to connect and build a friendship over the past two years. A few favorite highlights have been online Jeopardy-style trivia, walks to the local store for sweet treats, and outdoor games of basketball, tennis, and football.
Name of Mentee: Jack
Name of Mentor: Eve Norris
Mentoring Program: Shelburne Community School’s Connecting Youth Mentoring Program
Program Type: School-Based
Length of Their Match: 2 years
Age of Mentee: 12
About This Match:
The Mentee
Jack first learned about Connecting Youth through a friend who was participating, and he thought it sounded so cool that he asked to join, too. He’s proven to Eve just how smart a 5th (now 6th!) grader can be through their many games of virtual trivia. Jack is a great example of the mentor relationship going both ways, as he has been teaching Eve how to play chess. “He has been really patient with me,” says Eve. Jack shared that his favorite part of spending time with Eve has been playing games and having fun.
The Mentor
Eve was inspired to get involved as a mentor after having her own children grow up through the Shelburne Community School system. Eve shared that one of her favorite parts of spending time with Jack is that there is never any pressure—so many areas of life demand things from all of us, but when Jack and Eve get together they just like to have fun and enjoy themselves. When asked to share how mentoring Jack has impacted her life, Eve shared “Jack makes me feel really good. I come away from here every week with a heart full. It’s fun and it puts me in a good place.”